Rusu Snejana


Snejana said...
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Ludmila said...

Good job, Snejana! You made no mistakes using conditional, but you made some other errors. You have to revise the first sentence. In the second sentence you have two determiners for the word "friend" her and the best friend. choose only one, it should be HER BEST FRIEND.
Would you please correct these things.
Good luck,

Snejana said...

Mary celebrated her birthday in the restaurant.She wanted very much to spend the time with her best friend.If she had found his address,she would have sent him an invitation.Mary was in a bad mood because she lost his address.If he had been at the party,Mary would have got the best present in this day.

Snejana said...Мона_ Лиза

Snejana said...

Mona Lisa is a portrait created by Leonardo Da Vinci. The painting depicts a woman whose facial expression is frequently described as enigmatic and possible that the slight smile is an indication that the subject is hiding a secret. Everything about her posture speaks about a silence.Everything surrounding her face is dark, bringing that much more focus to the light of her face and the attraction it provides.The overall effect is a kind of natural attraction to her.The landscape of this painting has long been pointed out as the first instance of portrait on landscape.The curves of her hair and clothing are emulated in the waves of the landscape and steady curves in the river and hills behind her. Looking at the scenery behind this living portrait painting, we will be surprised to find this background scenery look visional. The mountains, roads, streams, etc. all come up in kind of dreamy.

Ludmila said...

Snejana, you've chosen a wonderful picture to describe. But could you please paraphrase in your own words all that you've written.